Fresh State Glendale

Rating: 4.2   (5)


Fresh State Glendale, located on 2600 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta, California, is an addiction treatment facility that can help those who need addiction help, get the guidance, treatment, and counseling needed. Fresh State Glendale has caring addiction recovery professionals who are devoted to assisting addicts in overcoming addiction and addictive behaviors.

The main aim of the addiction specialists at Fresh State Glendale is to give the appropriate guidance and comfort to patients aged 18+ throughout their journey toward long-lasting sobriety. By providing effective programs for addiction treatment to patients, patients will have all of the resources required in order to overcome addiction. It's important to remember that not all treatment programs are ideal for every patient. Just as each and every individual and their addiction is different, so should treatment. At Fresh State Glendale, patients will get a treatment plan that is designed uniquely for them. The proper treatment program will be determined after a patient assessment has taken place.

Fresh State Glendale is committed to accommodating the wants and requirements of patients in an effort to best ensure their contentment while in recovery. Addiction counselors at Fresh State Glendale make it an objective to help addicts reclaim their lives so that they can begin on a new more promising path. Once a patient has reached the level of sustained sobriety, they will feel a sense of relief knowing that addiction is no longer going to control their everyday lives. Getting the help needed to overcome addictive behavior is the best course of action an addict can take. Don't live another day in the whirlwind that is drug and alcohol addiction, get in touch with Fresh State Glendale today and learn how treatment can help.

Attempting detox without professional help is very hard and the majority of those who attempt detox on their own end up failing. This is because addiction is a mental disorder that requires the help of professional medical personnel and addiction counselors in order to overcome.

Seeking treatment is the best option when desiring a life that is free of substance dependency. The time to get help is now. Contact Fresh State Glendale by visiting today and learn about what sort of treatment options are available.

Contact Details

2600 Foothill Blvd.La CrescentaCalifornia  91214

Google Reviews

  5.0   3 years ago

Going to Fresh Start was the greatest, most life changing event in my lifetime and I want to share this with others in hopes that it may help others to make the right decision by going to this program. You see, I struggled with addiction for almost 10 years and finally my family convinced me to go to rehab. But the problem was that for the next few years I was in and out of various rehabs. Always either getting kicked out for relapsing or relapsing right after completion and back into another one.. wasting so much time and my parents money in and out of rehabs all just to relapse and end up right back where I started. Finally one day my Dad approached me and told me he found a good rehab in California and asked me if I would go. I was reluctant to go because by this time I was feeling hopeless and I was afraid I would just waste more time and money and end up in failure, but after much convincing I finally agreed to go. Now I realize it was the best decision of my life! You see, one of the main problems I was having with all the prior rehabs was they were just the wrong types of rehabs! Most of them were short, low budget, unstructured, low quality type rehabs. Fresh start was different in so many ways! The program made so much sense, and the staff were amazing. Not only was I able to get clean and sober, but the program helped me to grow and become myself again, the person I was before the addiction. They helped me to work on and repair all aspects of my life. Thanks to the Fresh Start Program I have completely turned my life around. I am now married with a beautiful family, and have a successful career. Just about everyone else I met while going through the program (many of whom I still talk to from time to time) all had a similar story of success like mine. If you're thinking about going to rehab and you're considering the Fresh Start Program, I hope you make the right decision and just go. It will be the best decision you ever make. Hope this helps!

  5.0   3 years ago

Throughout my years of growing up i was always very successful and strived to do great things. As I got older my addiction started spiraled out of control. What started off as drinking on the weekends or smoking weed when it was available turned into doing whatever drugs or alcohol were in my sight. After some time I tried to do more of a drug or do harder drugs the numb the mental pain that comes with being on drugs. I thought that if I just did more or found something harder than I may be able to forget about the damage that I have caused myself and all of my loved ones. I was wrong. I ended up on the streets strung out on meth and heroin. I lost my family, my job, the good people in my life, and most of all myself. I wanted the help but didn't know exactly how to get myself out of the mess I put myself in until my mother found Fresh Start Programs. I arrived at Fresh Start broken down, ragged, and lost. The staff here welcomed me with open arms and made it very easy for me to transition into the new environment. They made my withdrawal smooth and easy without substituting the drugs with medications. They were very uplifting throughout my stay. They showed that they genuinely care about you which is hard to come by when looking for a rehab and they are very easy to relate to. For being my first rehab they made it to where it wasn't scary and I could actually be comfortable. I learned a lot of skills throughout my program that have helped aid in my success with long term sobriety. I have reconnected with my family and am now open and honest with them. I have a healthy relationship with my mother. I feel like myself again for the first time since I was thirteen. I laugh and have the energy to be active now. I truly feel like a whole new person and I can't thank Fresh Start enough for getting me back to this point.

  5.0   3 years ago

Years ago I came into this program to get my life back on track, and I am so thankful my Father found Fresh Start. I grew up in a very loving home with a good family, but there are things that happen in life you can't prepare for. Over several years my mother had been suffering from stage 4 bone cancer. I aided in caring for her trying my best to keep her comfortable and have what little enjoyment she could still have. When she passed in 2007 it was heartbreaking, I also lost my friends, my girlfriend and ultimately myself that year. I was depressed and started smoking weed and drinking trying to forget. That only lasted so long until it progressed to pills, and then to an extremely heavy Oxycodone addiction. My life began to revolve around the next dose to feel better and forget, but no matter how full that pill bottle was, in the end it was empty just as my life had become. For years I continued down a destructive path working myself to death to keep the drugs coming, but one day I had finally had enough and told my Father what was going on and that I needed help. The next day, my dad and I were searching for treatment centers and then found Fresh Start. Their approach just made sense to me especially the sauna detox, I packed up and left to start the program. When I arrived I was warmly welcomed not just as a new client, but they made me feel like I was part of their family to be cared for and heal through this processes together. The sauna was amazing, in less then a week of sweating I began feeling relaxed and could feel my health, natural sleep, and energy returning. My outlook started to brighten and by the time I had finished sauna I felt clean and like a thick fog I had immersed myself into had been lifted. Going through the later steps of the program I could feel the negativity and subjective mindset I had been experiencing my life though changing back into excitement, enjoyment, and positivity working to build back up a life to be proud of. Investing time and effort to find and bring peace back into my life by going through the Fresh Start program was life changing, and one of the best decisions I have ever made . I now have 8 years sober and counting and would highly recommend Fresh Start if you or a loved one are struggling with addiction as I had.

  5.0   3 years ago

Going to Fresh Start was the greatest decision of my life. All of the blessings I have in my life today came about because I went to Fresh Start for my addiction to drugs and alcohol. I was a great kid by all accounts. I was a good person, a good son and a trust worthy person in my youth. I guess you could say, I was a normal garden variety kid. That all changed quickly as I began to hang out with people that drank, smoked weed and partied regularly. It all seemed fun at the time even though from the start I was getting into trouble at home and school, which had never happened prior to my drug and alcohol use. I am sure that any addict reading this knows what happened over time as I continued to party routinely. I graduated to narcotics and eventually became a degenerate heroin addict that was not worth the air I was breathing or the space I was taking up in this world. Funny how someone could be born into this world so good could become a hideous disappointment to themselves and to all of the people that love them, but that is exactly what happens because of my drug use. My parents sent me to many places to get help, 4 psychiatric facilities and 6 long term residential group support programs but I found that the methods at these facilities were not useful to me because they were not based on permanently resolving my addiction problem and getting me back to the person I once was. In fact it was just the opposite I was told that I had an incurable disease and that there was no known "permanent" solution and that for the rest of my life I would have to fight everyday to stay clean. I decided that I could not stand to live that way for the rest of my life, that if I could not be normal again I would rather not be alive. I was sitting in a jail cell for the umpteenth time, looking at doing a few years when my mom and sister spoke with Fresh Start. As my mom and sister listened to how the program worked, they realized immediately that this is what we had all been looking for. They also said realized they had never felt so much interest and care from any previous treatment programs they had spoken with. They helped my mom and sister put together a plan on how to get me out of jail and into their program. My mom and sister did exactly as they were instructed and got me on a plane to Fresh Start. From the moment I arrived I had never experienced the care and love that I felt from the Fresh Start Staff outside of my immediate family. Claudia, the intake counselor said "I heard you are a wonderful and amazing person" I was stunned and said "I used to be but that was a long time ago" then she said "that guy is still there, you made a mistake that can be fixed completely and if you do everything that we ask of you and apply the things that we teach you to your life you will no longer feel any need to ever need drugs again. They got me off all drugs which was the first time that any program had done that, the other programs put me on more drugs, psychiatric drugs, methadone and others. They then put me through their body cleansing process which was amazing. Getting me through withdrawal and the body cleansing program took about 5 weeks. I was "back home" normal for the first time in almost a decade. I could not believe how clear and sharp my mind was working again, I had my wits back!! Next they taught me, how to "over time" fix my relationships with my loved one's and regain the trust I once had, they taught me life skills and coping skills that have been invaluable for the many years of my drug free life. I use theses skills everyday to accomplish my daily and long term goals. Going to Fresh Start was the most important event of my life. It was a miracle. I can never repay what Fresh Start did for me back then but I try everyday by helping people in need when they come to me. Thank you, to all the incredible caring, loving staff at Fresh Start for saving my life and bringing happiness to my family in the process. I also thank God for answering my prayers to "Get Back Home". Larry T

  5.0   3 years ago

Great tasting guacamole and chips and also they have really good fish tacos.

  4.0   4 years ago

Fast and great food bit why must they broom the floor while we eat? They don't realize they are just kicking up dust in the air while we eat.

  5.0   4 years ago

Consistently delicious food and very friendly staff.

  5.0   4 years ago

The staff always seems to be doing a good job. The Carnitas is very clean. Good quesedia, great burrito selection, best salsa bar of all time and good self-serve drink selection. I love this place and have been coming here for 15 years or so. Never been disappointed. Baja fresh is almost guilt free Mexican food :-) almost

  5.0   4 years ago

Good salads, very fresh. Salsa bar is excellent with pleanty of fresh salsa and cilantro. Good prices.

  5.0   4 years ago

Nice food, refreshing food and salsas. Cool customer service.

  4.0   4 years ago

I Sent my daughter here recently for Meth Addiction and the changes she has made are amazing... When I first discovered my daughter was Smoking Meth, I was extremely disappointed. She is a smart girl and I could not imagine why she would ever get involved in such a thing. She was very skinny, would consistently lie, was never home, and take my things to sell or pawn for more drugs. I had enough, and was not going to stand by and let this be her future. When I called Fresh Start they were very helpful and understanding of what we were both going through, and what was needed to stop it. I'm very pleased with our experience, she was treated like family and the staff were very patient and understanding. She is back on track to being the wonderful young woman I knew was always inside of her. Thanks for all you do. Kevin

  5.0   4 years ago

They're usually pretty consistent here. I come every Sunday and we love it!

  5.0   4 years ago

Great, fresh tasting food, friendly staff and clean environment. The guac is excellent. Free parking is available in the lot. Many other stores near by.

  4.0   4 years ago

Love Baja, but this location is inconsistent with cleanliness and service. Prob my biggest gripe though is the salsa is watered down half the time. Never experienced that at any of the other locations I've gone too.

  5.0   5 years ago

This rehab program saved my life! I had been in and out of different rehabs with no lasting success but Finally my family found Fresh Start and sent me there as a last ditch effort. It was an amazing program where I learned the life skills to take responsibility and repair my whole life! I'm now married with a beautiful family and have a great career. I wouldn't be where I am today without Fresh Start! If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, I highly recommend this program!!

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