
Rating: 4.2   (5)


Located in Los Angeles, California, Nacanon offers treatment for Drug Addiction and Alcohol Addiction. The addiction specialists at this multi-licensed treatment facility administers a comprehensive assessment to their patients in order to determine the best course of action for their treatment plan. Nacanon generally offers treatment options (such as Counseling) that are customized to suit the patients' needs.

In some of these treatment options, addicts are taught to develop coping skills so that they can learn to deal with any situation that comes their way without resorting to drugs or alcohol as a means for a temporary escape. It is within these specific coping skills that will help to ensure the success of an addict's recovery.

You may contact Nacanon using their website at to learn more about the treatment services that they offer, as well as more information on their accepted insurances, which include: Private Insurance.

Contact Details

7065 Hollywood BlvdLos AngelesCalifornia  90028

Google Reviews

  5.0   4 years ago

  5.0   6 years ago

Many years ago I spent a week as a visiting guest at Narconon International's training rehab facility. I talked with the students--those there for rehab, and with the staff. The students come in extremely skeptical and resentful or angry as most have been to many rehabs which failed terribly. But the students who have been there awhile (and who came in with with the same attitudes) have, one-for-one, come to realize that Narconon IS helping them and is the ONLY true hope for them. Narconon keeps their students no matter how long it takes to ensure the students are ready for outside life. It isn't a matter of money, they want and get well-rehabbed former addicts who can go out and face life very well. Remembering the wrenching stories of students brings tears to my eyes, most especially when they finally realized they were going to get off drugs for the rest of their lives. Narconon is six times more effective keeping people off drugs after 5 years than ANY other program.

  5.0   9 years ago

The Narconon program has helped me and many of my family members and friends. The staff are some of the most caring and considerate people I have met. After 12 years drug free I can honestly say that Narconon was truly my savior. I recommend this program to anyone struggling with addiction. It offers a real solution.

  5.0   10 years ago

I introduced Narconon to someone who was injecting methadone back in 1992. Let's put it this way - people who've reached the injecting-Methadone stage don't usually have a very long life expectancy. They tend to die from an overdose or from an infection through use of dirty needles. Needless to say, the person I introduced to Narconon is still very much alive today having got off Methadone in 1992 thanks to Narconon. And a friend whom I also introduced to Narconon because he had a serious drink problem tells me Narconon saved his life. Thinking about it, I guess it also saved his marriage. Narconon is an extremely effective rehab so if anyone you know has an addiction problem that they want to deal with once and for all, get in touch with your nearest Narconon centre (there are around 100 of them all over the world).

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